How to play Brave Souls

How To Play

How To Play

1. Story


Relive the drama of the Bleach anime in Story mode. Complete Story quests to earn characters and items.

Aside from Story mode, there are many events containing original stories set in the Bleach universe, as well as special quests such as Kon's Soul Tree Bonanza that are only available at certain times where you can earn Crystals and Jewels for powering up your characters.

2. Strengthening Characters


Use Crystals to power up your characters. EXP Crystals are used to increase your characters' level, while the other types of Crystals are used to increase a character's stats by unlocking Souls on a character's Soul Tree.

You can further strengthen your characters by equipping them with Accessories and by linking them to other characters using Character Link.


Some ★5 characters can also be Awakened to ★6 under certain conditions.

3. Test Your Characters

Once you have strengthened your characters to a decent degree, you can unleash them in Brave Battles or Co-Op Quests.

In Co-Op Quests, you team up with other players to take on some of the toughest enemies in the game.


In Brave Battles, your team faces off against teams from other players as you compete for league positions. There are eleven leagues, from 10th Seat all the way up to the legendary Head Captain league. The higher the league, the better the rewards you can earn for ranking highly in the weekly battles.



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