How to play Brave Souls

Co-Op Quests

Co-Op Quests

Co-Op Quests are 2- to 4-player cooperative challenges. Each player selects a single character to control, and all players receive the same rewards at the end of the quest.

Tap the Co-Op button on the Home Screen and then choose Co-Op Quests to enter a Co-Op Quest.


Co-Op Quest Top

Here you can choose whether to form your own party, or join a party created by another player.


1. Random Matching

Tap Random Matching to show a list of available open Co-Op Quest rooms that you can join. Tap the quest you want to play and you will enter the lobby for that quest. The room owner is charged one Soul Ticket when the quest starts.

2. Enter Room Number

Enter a specific room number to join a party made by another player.

3. Quest List

Select a quest from the list and create your own room, or see a list of available rooms created by other players. If the character you have selected on the Co-Op screen does not match the room rules, your character will automatically be changed to one that does, provided you have a suitable character saved as a set.

4. Character and Equipment

You can change the character who will take part in the quest, as well as their equipment.

You can also save or load character equipment as a set. More details here.

Create Room / Join Room

This screen appears when you select a specific quest. You can choose to either create your own room for the quest, or join one created by another player.


1. Create Room

Tap here to create your own room for the chosen quest.

2. Join Room

Tap here to see a list of available rooms created by other players. Joining another player's room will not cost you a Soul Ticket.

Create Party

Here you can see all the members of your party.


1. Room Number

If you choose to create a private room, you will need to share this 6-digit number with other players so they can join your room. Tap the "Change to Public" button and then set the entry conditions if you want to open the room up to all players via Random Matching. The key icon on the left will be grayed out when a room is public.


Room Rules


This screen appears when you create a Co-Op room and then tap the Change to Public button.

After you have set the room rules, they can be saved and loaded at a later date. Up to five saves can be made.


Comment: You can enter a personal comment of up to 30 characters.

Enable Auto function: Enable this function to add the Auto button to all room members' screens.

If Set Room Rules is ON, you can set the rules for your room. Players will be able to set an Entry screen comment, as well as preferences/limits for Player Rank, Brave Battle League, Level, Attribute Transcendence level, Link Slot level, Skills, Affiliation, and Status Ailment Duration Reduction (80% or more). Players cannot set limits on Player Rank, Brave Battle League, Transcendence level, or Link Slot level that are higher than their own.

2. Set Chat Phrases

Instead of the usual Chat function, you can use set phrases to communicate with other players during Co-Op Quests. Tap the chat icon to open a list of set phrases and then tap the phrase you want. You can also choose to hide chat messages from your screen.

You can edit your chat options either from the Settings menu, accessed by tapping the cogwheel icon in the top right of the Home screen, or by tapping the "Edit Chat Options" button in the top right of the Co-Op Quest screen.

3. Enemies

Tap here to see a list of the enemies you will encounter.

4. Player Info

Tap here to see each party member's Player Rank, Special Move level, Accessories, Character Links, and Killer effect for their chosen character.

5. Display Character Details

Tap and hold on a character to check details of that character. If Room Rules have been set, the room owner can tap and hold on a character other than their own to kick that player out of the room.

6. Connection

This icon shows how good the player's internet connection is.


7. Close Room / Leave Room

The player who created the room can choose to close the room. If the room is closed, all players will be returned to the Co-Op Quest Top screen. Other players have the option to leave a room they have entered.

8. Character and Equipment

Tap here to open the character change window. You cannot select a set that does not meet the requirements for the quest.

You can also save or load character equipment as a set.


Saving Sets

Up to five sets of characters, Accessories, and Character Links can saved per Attribute. When saving a set, it will be saved to the same Attribute as the character being used.


Loading Sets

You can load a set that has been saved. You can also select and load the last one that was used to clear a quest. However, sets that do not meet room rules cannot be loaded.

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9. Auto

The Auto icon will appear if the room owner has enabled the Auto function.

10. Invite Icon

This icon appears when you are part of a Guild, and it allows you to invite other members of your Guild to join the room. This icon only appears if you are the room owner and does not appear if you are a guest in someone else's room.

11. Using 5 Soul Tickets

In some quest types, you have the option to use five Soul Tickets to start the quest instead of one, provided you have already completed the quest at least once. Using five Soul Tickets at once means you will gain the same number of rewards as you would have had you completed the quest five separate times.

Room owners and guests can both elect to use five Soul Tickets to begin a quest. Guests can acquire rewards equal to using five Soul Tickets without spending any Soul Tickets up to 1 times a day. However, one player clearing a quest using five Soul Tickets has no effect on the number or rewards other players receive.

Co-Op Quest Play Screen


1. Soul Bombs

This shows how many Soul Bombs each player has. Destroy breakable objects during quests to find Soul Bombs. The player who destroys an object with a Soul Bomb in it will earn one more Soul Bomb.

2. Exit

Tap Exit to leave the current Co-Op Quest and return to the Co-Op Quest Top screen. If the player who created the room taps Exit, all remaining players will enter single-player mode. Exiting the quest means you will lose any EXP, Coins, or Crystals you have earned so far in the quest.

3. Set Chat Phrases

The standard Chat feature is not available during Co-Op Quests. Instead, you can communicate with other players in your party using set phrases. Tap the chat icon to open a list of set phrases and then tap the phrase you want. You can also choose to hide chat messages from your screen.

You can edit your chat options either from the Settings menu, accessed by tapping the cogwheel icon in the top right of the Home screen, or by tapping the "Edit Chat Options" button in the top right of the Co-Op Quest screen.

4. Auto

This button appears if the room owner has enabled the Auto function. Tap this button to engage Auto mode for your character. If you do not interact with the game for a set period of time, the Auto function will be automatically enabled.

Room Owner Bonus


Creating a Co-Op room and then clearing the quest as the owner will earn you an extra Room Owner Bonus. Some Co-Op quests may also give out a second "Surprise" bonus on very rare occasions. Both the room owner and room guests can receive Surprise bonuses. The Room Owner Bonus will still apply if the connection is lost mid-quest and you continue on and complete the quest in single-player mode.

Inactive Players

Players who do not interact with the game for a set period of time during Co-Op quests will be considered to be "away from keyboard" and to have not contributed to the completion of the Quest. If this is the case, the following measures will appear on the quest results screen.

Room Owner
1. No Room Owner Bonus will be awarded.
2. No second Room Owner Bonus will be awarded, if one was available.
3. No Player Rank EXP for players with a Player Rank of 50 or above.

1. Except EXP and Coins, no quest rewards will be awarded.
2. The player's "Inactive play sessions" count will increase by one.
3. No Player Rank EXP for players with a Player Rank of 50 or above.

Each inactive play session will increase the inactive play sessions count by one, but the inactive play sessions count will reduce by one if a player has no further inactive play sessions for a set period of time. The inactive play sessions count is shared across both the Co-Op and Epic Raids modes. If the inactive play sessions count reaches three, the following Co-Op and Epic Raid functions will be temporarily suspended:

  • All Epic Raid functions
  • Co-Op Enter Room Number
  • Co-Op Random Matching
  • Co-Op Join Room


  • Players will still be able to create a Co-Op room and play as the room owner even when other functions are suspended.
  • Once a player has received a Co-Op function suspension, we will not reply to any inquiries regarding the lifting of the suspension or any other queries relating to the suspension.
  • The number of inactive play sessions required to trigger a suspension of functions and the length of a suspension are subject to change without notice.

Other Functions

First Matching Bonus

You will receive 3 Spirit Orbs the first time you complete a Co-Op Quest or Epic Raid with a player you have never played with before in either mode. You can receive this bonus a maximum of 200 times, for a total of 600 bonus Spirit Orbs.

Friend Requests, Guild Invites, Blacklist


The option to send Friend Requests or Guild Invites to other players will appear when a Co-Op quest is successfully completed. If you experience issues with other players during Co-Op quests or Epic Raids, you can block up to 200 players by adding them to your Blacklist. You can add a player to your Blacklist from the Co-Op quest or Epic Raid results screen, or from that player's My Status screen.

Blacklisted players will not appear as matching options for co-op play and their messages will not appear in your chat rooms. However, please note that blacklisted players will still be able to enter the same private room as you if they enter the correct room number.

You can manage your Blacklist from the Settings menu accessed by tapping the cogwheel icon in the top right of the Home screen.

Co-Op Quest Notes

  • You are constantly transmitting data during Co-Op Quests, so we strongly recommend you only play over Wi-Fi or somewhere where you are sure of a constant, reliable connection.
  • Your connection will be cut during a Co-Op Quest if you receive a call or if a low battery warning screen appears. Please make sure your battery is sufficiently charged before starting a Co-Op Quest.
  • Team Effects do not apply during Co-Op Quests.
  • If your Stamina reaches zero during a Co-Op Quest, you can continue by spending Spirit Orbs or by using a Revival Candle. You also have the option to watch the rest of the quest or retire. If you decide to watch the other players and they manage to clear the quest, you will still earn the rewards for clearing the quest.
  • If the room owner's connection fails during a quest, remaining players can continue with the quest in single-player mode.
  • If any other player apart from the room owner's connection fails, the remaining players can continue with the quest, minus the player whose connection failed.
  • Please refrain from causing annoyance to other players by spamming set chat phrases.
  • Please do not allow your device to enter sleep mode during the Co-Op Quest preparation process, as this may cause problems for other players.
  • You may not be able to enter the same room as another player if you are using different versions of the app.
  • The room will close shortly after the quest is completed.


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