How to play Brave Souls



Join a Guild with other like-minded players to make it easier to play together. Tap the Guild button on the Main screen to access the Guild function.

Clear part 1, Substitute Soul Reaper, of the Story on Normal to unlock Guilds.


1. Join a Guild

Join an existing Guild as a standard Guild Member. You can either join a recommended Guild, or search for a particular Guild.

Some Guilds require that a request to join be approved by a Guild Officer before a new member can join.

2. Guild Invites

Here you can check any Guild Invites you have received.

3. Create a Guild

Create a new Guild with yourself as the Guild Leader. (Please note that some Guild functions are unavailable at certain times, such as when Arena results are being calculated.)

Guild Top


1. Guild Emblem

The symbol of your Guild. The Emblem is displayed in many places, including in the background of the Guild Top screen and the Guild Status screen.

Only the Guild Leader can edit the Guild Emblem. See here for details.

The frame around the Emblem indicates your Guild's current Guild League and changes depending on your Guild's current league status.

2. Guild Level

You earn EXP for your Guild by completing quests and winning Brave Battles. Earn enough EXP and your Guild's level will increase. As your Guild's level increases, various effects will be triggered.

3. Current Members

Here you can see a list of all the current members of your Guild. Players currently logged in to the game are highlighted.

4. Notice Board

Here you can see your Guild's policy and a history of your Guild's activity.

5. Guild Effects

Here you can see any Guild Effects your Guild has earned. After joining a Guild, you must earn a certain amount of EXP for that Guild before you gain access to its Guild Effects.

6. Request

Guild members can request aid in the form of Soul Tickets from each other. In this way, you can help out your guildmates by responding to their requests and you can also receive extra Soul Tickets by sending your own requests.

Soul Tickets received in this way have no expiry date. However, you must claim your Soul Tickets before you can send another request.

Requests are limited to one every 24 hours.

7. Members

Here you can see details of all the members of your Guild and invite friends to join.

8. Guild Status

Here you can see information about your Guild. You can also perform various Guild functions, such as leaving or disbanding the Guild, changing the Guild Name and Guild Leader, and appointing Guild Officers. (Please note that some Guild functions are unavailable at certain times, such as when Arena results are being calculated.)

9. Guild Quests

Here you can join Guild Quests. See here for details.

Guild Roles

Aside from standard Members, a Guild must have a Guild Leader and can also have up to two Guild Officers. Leaders and Officers have the authority to change various Guild settings.

1. Guild Leader

The Guild Leader has the following powers:

  • Edit Guild details from the Guild Status screen.
  • Edit the Guild Name.
  • Edit the Guild Emblem. (See here for details.)
  • Edit the Guild's policy and comment.
  • Edit the Guild's recruiting information, such as the recruiting comment or automatic approval.
  • Appoint or dismiss Guild Officers.
  • Expel Guild members.
  • Approve requests to join the Guild.
  • Appoint a new Guild Leader.
  • Move to another Guild if there are no other members in the current Guild.

2. Guild Officers

Guild Officers have the following power:

- Approve requests to join the Guild.

If the Guild Leader does not log in for 14 days, the Guild Leader position is automatically passed to another Guild member. Guild Officers take precedent, but if no Guild Officer is appointed, the longest-serving Guild Member will become the Guild Leader.

What Happens When I Join a Guild?

Joining a Guild gives you access to the following functions.

1. Guild Levels and Effects

You earn EXP for your Guild by completing quests and winning Brave Battles. Earn enough EXP and your Guild's level will increase. As your Guild's level increases, various effects will be triggered.

Guild Effects Details Max
Coin Discount: Character Power Up A discount on the Coins needed for powering up characters. 20%
Damage+: Quests Do more damage in single-player, Co-Op Quests, Epic Raids, and the Arena. 10%
Damage+: Battles Do more damage in Brave Battles. 10%
Damage+: Guild Quests Do more damage in Guild Quests. 10%

2. Guild Chat & Co-Op/Epic Raid/Arena Invites


Join a private Guild Chat where you can communicate with other members of your Guild and invite them to join you for Co-Op Quests, Epic Raids, or the Arena.

You can join a Co-Op Quest, Epic Raid, or the Arena that another player has sent an invite for by simply tapping the invite message.

A badge will appear on the chat icon if you have any unread messages or if there is an invite awaiting a response.

Unread Messages Co-Op Invite Available Epic Raid Invite Available Arena Invite Available
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3. Guild Quests

Guild Quests are special single-player quests that are only available to players who are a member of a Guild. The object of a Guild Quest is to earn points by defeating as many enemies as possible within the time limit. You can earn many rewards for completing Guild Quests.

See here for more details on Guild Quests.


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