How to play Brave Souls



Familiars are pets that can accompany characters on quests. They require Coins and special "Spirits" to power up and have various abilities that are triggered if the Familiar is equipped to a character during an Epic Raid.

You can see a list of the Familiars you own by tapping the Submenu button on the Home screen and then selecting Inventory. Familiars are shown in the Familiars section of the Characters tab.


About Familiars


1. Stats

Familiars have three stats: Stamina, Attack, and Spiritual Pressure. When equipped during an Epic Raid, these stats are added to the base character's stats.

2. Soul Traits

Familiars can acquire and power up Soul Traits that have various effects on Epic Raid bosses' special attack types and their effects.

3. Familiar Skills

Familiars have no skills when you first acquire them, but you can acquire skills for your Familiars by powering them up.

The effect of a Familiar skill is determined at random when the skill is acquired. You can use unique Spirits and Coins to re-roll the effect as many times as you like.

The probability of attaining a specific Familiar skill effect depends on the effect. All effects do not have the same probability.


When you re-roll the effect of a Familiar Skill, you have the option to keep the original effect or take the new one.

Note that fodder materials will still be consumed even if you choose to keep the original effect.

4. Companion Mode

Power up a Familiar to unlock Companion Mode for that Familiar. In Companion Mode, you can select a Familiar to accompany your characters during single-player and Co-Op quests. Familiars set as Companions will also appear on the Main screen.


Familiar bonuses only apply during Epic Raids. Familiars do not impart any bonuses to characters during single-player or Co-Op quests. Familiars do not attack enemies and enemy attacks have no effect on Familiars.

5. Customization

You can acquire new skins for your Familiars by powering them up, allowing you to customize their appearance.

6. Strengthening

The same as for characters, Familiars have Soul Trees that can be used to power them up.

Powering Up

Familiars' Soul Trees can be powered up using Coins and "Spirits" acquired from Epic Raids.


Soul Tree

Image6 Stamina Soul Stamina Souls increase the Familiar's Stamina stat. A Familiar's Stamina stat is added to the base character's Stamina when the Familiar is equipped during Epic Raids.
Image7 Attack Soul Attack Souls increase the Familiar's Attack stat. A Familiar's Attack stat is added to the base character's Attack when the Familiar is equipped during Epic Raids.
Image8 Spiritual Pressure Soul Spiritual Pressure Souls increase the Familiar's Spiritual Pressure stat. A Familiar's Spiritual Pressure stat is added to the base character's Spiritual Pressure when the Familiar is equipped during Epic Raids.
Image9 Soul Trait Soul Soul Trait Souls unlock a Soul Trait for your Familiar. The effects of Familiars' Soul Traits are passed on to the base character when a Familiar is equipped during an Epic Raid.
Image10 Soul Trait Power Up Soul These Souls increase the effect of the Familiar's Soul Trait. These Souls are not available until you have unlocked a Familiar's Soul Trait.
Image11 Skill Souls These Souls are unique to Awakened Familiars and allow you to acquire a skill for your Familiar. The effect of the skill your Familiar acquires is decided at random.

Unlocking Companion Mode

Unlocking a Familiar's Soul Trait will also unlock Companion Mode for that Familiar. Once unlocked, you can activate Companion Mode by going to the Familiar Details screen.

Unlocking Customization

Fully powering up a Familiar's Soul Tree will unlock the ability to customize its appearance. Once unlocked, you can customize a Familiar's appearance from the Familiar Details screen.

Awakening Familiars


When you have fully powered up a Familiar, the Soul Tree button will change to Awaken. You need unique Awakening Spirits to Awaken a Familiar. You can acquire Awakening Spirits from the Epic Raid Medal Exchange or as rewards for completing Orders.


Awakening a Familiar will add new Souls to its Soul Tree, allowing you to further power it up. Once you have Awakened a Familiar, you will not be able to change its appearance until you have fully powered it up again.


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