
2022/09/27 Updates

Version 14.1.10 update

These are the in-game notices that will be available after maintenance ends.
Please check our official Twitter, Facebook, and Discord for information on maintenance progress.

Thank you for playing Bleach: Brave Souls! This notice contains information about the version 14.1.10 update.

Version 14.1.10 Update

Beginner’s Mark and Assist Points
We have added a Beginner’s Mark to players who have just started playing or recently returned to Brave Souls. Playing Co-Op Quests and Epic Raids with players who have a Beginner’s Mark earns the assisting players Assist Points. Collecting a certain amount of Assist Points earns you rewards.

Sets for Epic Raids
Players can now save and load sets for characters of each attribute in Epic Raids. If a saved set meets an Epic Raid’s room rules, the player’s set can be changed automatically to enter that room.

Players are now also able to save Link Characters and Accessories already in a saved set into a different set.

Room Rules for Co-Op Quests and Epic Raids
You can now save and load room rules when making a public room for Co-Op Quests or Epic Raids.

Challenge Order Adjustments
In order to make powering up your characters even easier, the contents and rewards of Challenge Orders have been adjusted.

Since the progress of all Challenge Orders will be reset for all players, it will be possible to clear them again.

Item Screen Adjustment
The appearance of the character power-up and Accessory items on the Item screen has been adjusted. Items with the same name but a different size (small, medium, or large) are now shown together.

Reward Display Adjustments
When two or more rewards are claimed in a points event, the item thumbnails will now be displayed together. The same adjustment has been made for lottery rewards.

This change will reduce the time it takes to display rewards from cleared event quests and make them easier to play.

Ascension Character Display Adjustment
When Ascending a character, fodder characters that will increase the level of a Special Move or those of the same name who will increase the amount of EXP attained will be displayed first.

Event Rewards and Exchange Item Delivery Adjustment
Items acquired through accumulation of points in events, lottery rewards, or exchanges are now added directly to your inventory. Soul Tickets and characters will still be sent to the Gift Box.

With this change, the time and effort spent accepting these kinds of items will be eliminated.

Accessory Second Effect Re-Roll Improvements
When re-rolling for an Accessory’s second effect, the same lottery conditions set for the last re-roll will be automatically applied.

If an attempt is made to re-roll with no lottery conditions set, a confirmation pop-up will be displayed.

Accessory Filter Added
Drain Duration Reduction has been added to the accessory filter list.

Character and Accessory Slot Adjustments
The maximum amount of character and Accessory slots have been adjusted as below.

Maximum Character Slots
Old Limit: 1900
New Limit: 2100

Maximum Accessory Slots
Old Limit: 1700
New Limit: 1900

Price Changes in Certain Countries
The price of in-game goods on Android devices has been changed in certain regions. This price change does not affect other platforms or regions.

Improvements to Account Deletion Requests
The Account Deletion button has been moved from the bottom-right corner of the Title screen to the Contact Us section of the Settings screen.

If you would like to start a new game, please select Delete Play Data from the Title screen menu.

New App Icon
We have updated the design of the app icon.

Title Screen Change
The Title screen that displays when starting the game has been updated.

Data Download Screen Change
The screen that displays during data download has been changed.

Change to Development Environment
We have completed a change to a new development environment. As a result, the following OSes are no longer supported:

– iOS11 or earlier

Issues Fixed
– On rare occasions, the remaining time in the Arena would be displayed as 99:59 and would not be cleared.

– The number of barriers would always be displayed in the character icon in the top-left corner of the screen in single-player quests.

– After selecting five optional skills when setting the room rules of Epic Raids or Co-Op Quests, reopening the skill window would allow a sixth skill to be chosen.

As compensation for the above issues, all players will have 5 Spirit Orbs sent to their Gift Boxes.

– Go to the Store at any time to update to the latest version.
– All players will receive 50 Spirit Orbs as a thank you for updating to the latest version.