
NEW2023/08/08 Campaigns

Help out a beginner!

From 8/8 until 9/8, 15:59 (JST)

Help your fellow players for rewards!

Ask and answer questions about Brave Souls on social media to enter!

Which character should I use? Which accessory should I equip? How can I get Super Link Slot Potions?
This is your chance to ask veteran players questions about the game!

We will also be picking out some comments offering advice and reading them out during August’s Bankai Live!

How to Enter

1. Follow the official Bleach: Brave Souls Twitter account (@Bleachbrs_en).
2. Use the hashtag #BraveSoulsAdvice and Tweet your questions about the game or give advice to new players!

1. Follow the official Discord server
2. Go to the English channel under the HELP OUT A BEGINNER category and read the instructions written on the pinned post
3. Enter by asking questions about the game or answering questions posted by other players!


More entries mean more rewards!

1,000 Entries: Soul Ticket x50
2,000 Entries: ★4/★5 Accessory Ticket x10
3,000 Entries: Spirit Orb x50
4,000 Entries: ★5 Summons Ticket x1

*Rewards will be given out after 9/15/2023.
*Rewards will be sent to your in-game Gift Box after distribution.
*Reward distribution date is subject to change.

Check out the official Bleach: Brave Souls social media for mission progress updates!

Terms and Conditions

– Worldwide entries across Twitter and Discord will be counted.
– Rewards can be redeemed through the in-game Gift Box in Bleach: Brave Souls. Please note that rewards will not be sent to any game installed after the reward distribution date.
– You may enter this campaign multiple times per account.
– All transmission and carrier costs associated with participating in this campaign are to be borne by the entrants.
– This campaign is not affiliated with X Corp or Discord.
– KLab Inc. will not be held responsible for damages incurred by the cancellation or suspension of this campaign as the result of issues with the operating environment of Twitter or Discord.
– KLab Inc. will offer no compensation for damages incurred from third parties using the contents of customer posts, or other damages incurred by participants.
– Details of this campaign are subject to change without prior notice.
– We will not be answering inquiries regarding this campaign or the entry-counting process.
– Please note that when entering this campaign, you are granting the Brave Souls team permission to read out your comment during our planned Bankai Live in August.
Comments read out during the livestream will not contain information that could identify the creator of the comment, such as a username, profile picture, etc.