
NEW2023/08/08 News

Brave Souls Passport Perks and Details

Brave Souls Passports are subscription services that offer the following perks.

Brave Souls Bonanza Pass


480 JPY per month
(This is the price in Japan. It will vary depending on your region)


1: Increased Soul Ticket limit
2: Increased Soul Ticket recharge speed
3: Bonus when using 5 Soul Tickets
4: Unique chat phrases
5: Exclusive Yoruichi (Cat version) Familiar
6: Brave Souls Bonanza Pass Summons Ticket
7: ★5 Summons Ticket (Passport)

Perk Details

1: This perk increases your Soul Ticket limit by 10. You will also receive a bonus of 10 Soul Tickets when you purchase or renew a subscription.
2: This perk reduces the time it takes for one Soul Ticket to recharge by three minutes.
3: You will receive one extra Soul Ticket’s worth of rewards when using 5 Soul Tickets to complete a quest, or an extra two when using 10 Soul Tickets.
4: The Brave Souls Bonanza Pass gives you access to unique chat phrases.
5: The Yoruichi (Cat version) Familiar will be available as a companion in quests as long as the Brave Souls Bonanza Pass subscription is in effect.
6: You will receive one Brave Souls Bonanza Pass Summons Ticket every day. For more details on which characters can be acquired with this ticket, please see the Brave Souls Bonanza Pass Summons Ticket details.
7: You will receive one ★5 Summons Ticket (Passport) every three months from the day your subscription began. For more details on which characters can be acquired with this ticket, please see the Choose a ★5 Summons Ticket (Passport) details.

Character Collector’s Pass


2900 JPY per month
(This is the price in Japan. It will vary depending on your region)


1: Choose a ★5 Summons Ticket (Pack Edition)
2: One hundred Spirit Orbs
3: Two Spirit Orbs every day
4: Character Collector’s Pass Summons Ticket
5: Rainbow Special Move Source

Perk Details

1: You will receive a Choose a ★5 Summons Ticket (Pack Edition) when you purchase this pass and every time you renew your subscription. For more details on which characters can be acquired with this ticket, please see the Choose a ★5 Summons Ticket (Pack Edition) details.
2: You will receive 100 Spirit Orbs every time you purchase a subscription or your subscription is renewed.
3: You will receive two bonus Spirit Orbs every day.
4: You will receive one Character Collector’s Pass Summons Ticket every day. For more details on which characters can be acquired with this ticket, please see the Character Collector’s Pass Summons Ticket details.
5: You will receive one Rainbow Special Move Source every three months from the day your subscription began. A Rainbow Special Move Source that allows you to raise any character’s Special Move level by one.


– Brave Souls Passports are valid for one month from the date of purchase.
– Brave Souls Passports automatically renew every month.
– Once a purchase has been made, it cannot be canceled or refunded. However, you can stop the subscription from automatically renewing.
– If you choose to cancel your subscription, you will still receive perks until 11:59:59 pm (JST) on the final day of the subscription’s validity period.
– These services can only be used with one game account per platform ID.
– For more details, go to Options > Brave Souls Passports > Details.
– For legal information regarding subscriptions, go to Settings > Terms of Use.

For iOS Users
– A subscription can be cancelled up to 24 hours before it expires.
– Canceling a subscription less than 24 hours before the subscription expires will result in the subscription automatically renewing.
– Payment will be processed within 24 hours of a subscription’s expiry date.
– Cancelling of a subscription can be done through the App Store.
– Uninstalling this app will not automatically cancel any active subscriptions.
– After beginning your subscription, payment processing will be handled through your AppleID.
– There may be additions to Brave Souls Passports subscription service in the future.